Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Time To Put Up The Christmas Lights

Actually, it was time 2 weeks ago, but I failed. I have continued to fail ever since. It is Well Past Time. Fortunately it is not nearly as cold as it was on the weekend, only 9F, -13C. 88% humidity, though - unusual for this land at this time of year when it's cold. Blah, blah, blah...

Someplaces in the world are warm, right now.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Off to Disneyland

Tomorrow. Don the Mouse Ears(tm), baby!

...except they'll be West Coast Ears, I believe.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sgt. Joe Friday takes Barry O to the Woodshed

Taylor Swift v. Kanye West

As Posted On Facebook (APOF):

As I said, what a surprise, a rapper is a jerk! Taylor Swift rocks.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Golden Book III: RCA Radiola Super-Heterodyne!

Go for broke! Spring for the $690 model - you won't be replacing it for 10 years, & you can use all those profits from your new investments in bonds! (click on the image to enlarge).

Golden Book II: Bulls, Bears, & Bonds

A column from the December, 1929 edition, for your consideration, (with bonus ads!)(click on the image to enlarge):

New Post Because I Left My URL Somewhere - Therefore Golden Book I

Like, I left it on the TEMS (The Ed Morrissey Show) chat feed, so I'd better post something. Hopefully I'll be doing a bunch of these over the next while, as I've got a ton of material. I came into possession of an almost-complete set of Golden Book magazines recently, and they have some interesting stuff in 'em, & not just the ads, either. Here's the first cover to be posted:

There is an article inside called "Bulls, Bears & Bonds", in the "Investment Trends" column. I expect this magazine went to print in November, so it was written hard on the heels of The Crash. I'll post that later... & bigger, too, I hope.
Update: Just click on the image, & it will be bigger! It's magic!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Staycation... awesome. I recommend the process to everyone with children who are ALL away at camp! Time for bed, now. Have to deliver The Boy's papers in the AM!

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Sarah Palin

I'm kind of surprised at the reaction of some conservative, otherwise Palin-supporting commentators regarding Sarah's resignation. I listened to her speech; it made total sense to me. I think that normal people and the way they think is a mystery to political types. Her family is being savaged, she has accomplished a lot in her time as Governor of Alaska, and once she had decided not to run again and to make that decision public, she became a lame duck. If she had kept the decision to herself, she would have continued to be effective as Governor, but she is too open, honest, and transparent to have kept the decision a secret. The media-created tabloid-governorship was also making it very difficult to govern effectively, and her traditional work ethic and sense of responsibility wouldn't allow her to stay in a job that circumstances wouldn't allow her to do her best at. I might be wrong (shock!), but I don't think a run for the presidency factored in the decision, either. I rather doubt that she is all that chuffed about the idea.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Surprise, surprise!

Apparently I'm "Extremely Conservative" - what a shock.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Timothy Geithner

If this guy is confirmed as Treasury Secretary, I think we can say definitively that President Barack Milhouse Oblahblah and his administration have no respect for the rule of law. Overstating the case, am I? He will be in charge of the IRS. He was advised repeatedly by his then employer, the IMF, to pay the taxes in question. He was busted, but only paid part of the taxes owing, and finally only paid the rest when he was nominated for the position President B. Hubris Obamania now wants him to fill. I love this quote from a member of the Senate Banking Committee: “This is the guy who heads up the IRS,” says the senator who is baffled by Geithner’s situation. “All the taxpayers look to him, and when he says, ‘Gee, I don’t know why’—does that become a defense?”

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Oblahblah

From Alo Konsen on twitter. I know it's an old nickname, having googled it, but it's new to me, and perfect after that typically empty nothing of a nullity inauguration speech. Perhaps he should have just read a few pages of the phone book, I doubt if any of his unruly acolytes would have noticed! President Bush's speech on returning to Texas, on the other hand, was awesomely awesome - and way funnier!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Eagles Win!

No, not Philly - although I wouldn't be totally decimated if they did, but I'm rooting for the Cards - the Cedars Junior Boys Eagles Basketball team, who won the John McInnis Junior B Invitational tonight by defeating Nechako Valley (NVSS - Vanderhoof) 50 - 45. Their other 2 games they beat College Heights and John McInnis by 15 or 16 points each. Congratulations, boys!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mugshots: what do all these people have in common?

h/t: fannation obama watch express

A Gross (But Fair!) Generalization

People who are down on Israel are not very bright (or thirsty!):

Natalie says:

"Homework is like bugs on my windshield. I want to be able to keep it clear."